FAQ: Frequently asked questions

Here we answer frequently asked questions about descaling, cleaning and durgol products. 

Hard water containing lime is formed when rainwater seeps through calciferous rock layers and is enriched with calcium carbonate. This hard water enters households as tap water. If the tap water is heated or evaporates, limescale deposits form.

  • Lime-containing water leaves unsightly limescale deposits when it evaporates or is heated.
  • Limescale deposits on appliances lead to poorer heat transfer and thus to increased energy consumption. Internal tests show that 1 milimetre of limescale increases energy consumption by 8.1%.
  • Limescale deposits promote the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria.
  • Limescale deposits can impair the function of appliances such as kettles and coffee machines and shorten their service life.
  • In coffee machines, limescale can impair the optimum brewing temperature, so that the aromas of the coffee beans cannot develop during coffee brewing. The taste of the coffee suffers as a result.

Numerous tests carried out through our years of research and development show that traditional household remedies such as vinegar and citric acid do not thoroughly remove limescale deposits despite very long exposure times. In addition, descaling with household remedies has other disadvantages. Descaling with vinegar can lead to corrosion of metal surfaces, i.e. to undesirable discolouration. Vinegar also attacks plastic seals, especially on household appliances. This can lead to defects. Furthermore, vinegar leaves an unpleasant smell and taste after descaling. Citric acid reacts with lime in a very negative way. If left to react for a longer period of time, insoluble deposits are formed, so-called citrates, which seal the limescale. Over time, these stubborn deposits clog the pipes of household appliances such as coffee machines or washing machines.

durgol products have a shelf life of 3 years from the date of manufacture. 

Descaling and cleaning agents should meet high requirements: Limescale and dirt must be removed hygienically and without leaving residues in the shortest possible time. At the same time, descalers and cleaners must not only protect the environment but also surfaces and materials. Descalers and cleaners should also be easy and versatile to use.

The durgol products are available at selected grocery stores, drugstores, electronics retailers, department stores, C+C markets and in various online shops.

The majority of durgol products have particularly environmentally friendly formulas. They are certified by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) as "readily biodegradable" and have a biodegradability of over 99.5 % after just 18 days. The classification "readily biodegradable" is the highest level of biodegradation that can be achieved. Our products also meet particularly strict test criteria defined by the renowned SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS. durgol products are also very economical. The strong limescale dissolving power enables particularly economical and environmentally friendly dosing and thus leads to a significantly better environmental balance in the consumption of cleaning agents and packaging.

Empty durgol bottles can be disposed of at the usual collection points. Leftover liquid can be used to clean the toilet.

Yes, durgol products are vegan. None of the raw materials used in their development or production are of animal origin.

Highly effective
Gentle on materials
Easy to use
The Swiss Original against Limescale

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